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Here we are!


Our company is dedicated to the advising of the colour test. To know what is your harmony colour, the first step is to identify the colours that favor you more.


The Colour Test is used to find out what are the best colours for each person. Which colours help make you more attractive and can also be applied to choose the colour of your hair, makeup, clothes, jewelry, glasses, and all kinds of accessories.


Each of us, depending on our characteristics, belong to what is called Seasons of Colours: Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.


According to our season, we will always have colours that are going to favor us more and others that we can do without.


Nature divides the year into four seasons, and each has its own colours. The Autumn and Spring seasons reign warm colors and Winter and Summer represent cool colours. 

  Like the seasons have their colours, we also have...


Do you dare to find your season?

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